The Telecom Society is dedicated to supporting George Mason University (GMU) students, faculty, and alumni who are part of the school's diverse technology and business programs. Since GMU attracts and graduates the best and brightest professionals from around the world, our members play an active role in raising the visibility of the Northern Virginia technology corridor. GMU's Telecom Society was founded in 1990 as a membership Society representing the interests of GMU's students, faculty, and alumni. The Society has grown to include nearly 250 members from a variety of GMU programs that include computer science, business, telecommunications, and public policy. Counted among our members are students, faculty, and business professionals from a variety of career paths, such as public relations, web design, telecommunication companies, and more. GMU's Telecom Society focuses on providing an open forum for students and business to network, attend events, review technology job listings, and read the latest technology-related news. The Society is governed by a Board of Directors, whom are elected by its members. GMU
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