Fall 2010
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Reema Rajbanshi (Winner): "The Carnival" (8)
Abbey Baker (Second Place): "The Only Way" (32)
Meredith Doench (Third Place): "Packing" (66)
Alexis Orgera: "The Black Dress" (18), "The Blue Dress" (19), "Static" (20)
Wade Fletcher: "IWW: Chicago" (24), "Border Exhaustion" (25)
Meg Reilly: "[pay attention: xz didn’t really care to learn]" (30), "[xz said he wanted to wear me as a hat]" (31)
Laine Cathryn Ballard: "Love, Let Her" (48)
Hannah VanderHart: "To Charles Olsen" (54)
Patricia Callan: "Miss Edmonia Lewis, The New Member" (62), "The One" (63)
Leigh Phillips: "Alike" (74), "The Violet Papers" (75), "Regenerist" (76)
Karen Levy: "Appearances" (21)
Elizabeth Gentry: "Appetites of the Natural World" (55)
Visual Art
Monica Bodirsky: "In a Field" (Cover), "Red Room" (44), "Dream House" (45), "False Memory" (46), "Red Chair" (47)
Alice Kettle: "Odyssey" (26, 27, 28, 29)
Stephanie Hunter: "Fellini" (64), "Artemisia" (65), "Surrender" (77), "The Collective Conscience of the Female Pain Body" (78)
Spring 2010
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2010 Nonfiction Contest Winner and Finalists
Michele Coppola (Winner): "Polly at the Hometown" (9)
Elizabeth De Sa (Finalist): "The Cost of Self-Defense" (24)
Helen Klonaris (Finalist): "Walking Till I Do" (52)
2010 Poetry Contest Winner and Finalists
Lauren Schmidt (Winner): "Once Upon an Emergency Exit Row" (17)
Marcia Arrieta (Finalist): "today she carries her sword" (30)
Jan Ball (Finalist): "my face emerges from my face" (31)
Simki Ghebremichael: "My Little House" (48)
Sarah Marcus: "Twilight in the Country" (49)
Virginia Schnurr: "Miss Dickinson Encounters the Homeless" (50)
Laurie Blauner: "Doll Disturbed by a Description of Her Dollhouse" (61)
Maureen C. Ewing: "my breasts are lonely" (62)
Emari DiGiorgio: "Lonely Planet: A Tour" (63)
Jane Joritz-Nakagawa: "sonnet: below heaven" (76)
Emily Scudder: "Attraction" (77)
R.C. Smith: "Johnny Faa" (20)
Maya Sonenberg: "Painting Time" (36)
Joy Lanzendorfer: "End of the Line" (64)
Visual Art
Amir Shahlan Amiruddin: "Tanggang" (Cover)
Lindsay Herko: "the settlement between sight and secret" (19), "Maud the moth and moustache tailed mermaid" (33), "I saw a firebird? ... one summer night above our city ... to bring it back ... i make it up" (34), "Our Mendon is their Walden/old loves recycle to the woods" (35)
John B. Bevelaqua: "Aphrodite" (43), "Ophelia" (44), "Ophelia and the Swan" (45), "Affinity" (46), "Red Dress with Goldfinch" (47)
Jesse Lefkowitz: "Persephone" (60)
Vanessa C. Vargas: "from the ashes" (78)
Fall 2009
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2009 Fiction Contest
Rebecca Adams (Winner): "Poland, 1952" (9)
Katherine Ayars (Finalist): "Like the Leg of a Y" (30)
Tara Laskowski (Finalist) "There’s Someone Behind You" (56)
J. Annie MacLeod: "Blink) (71)
Lilah Hegnauer: "Rain" (16), "Rain" (17)
Anna King: "Massacre of Light" (18)
Tricia Asklar: "Wake" (19)
Margaret Bashaar: "Dream Theory" (28), "Her Prophecies" (29)
Jane Downs: "Descent" (37), "The Return" (37)
Sara Nicholson: "from _Hymnal Left in the Mound_" (48)
Jennifer Jerome: "Fire at the time factory" (51)
Katie Manning: "Gospels of the Bleeding Woman" (69), "The Resurrection of Nura" (70)
Michael Hood: "Retell" (77), "When You Fell Away To Find Me, I Found Myself Upping and Found You" (78), "Grace and Savagery" (79)
Cherri Randal: "Jaded Green" (20)
Julie Marie Wade: "Triptych of My Mother, Thwarted Thespian / Auditioning for the Part of her Life / Triptych of My Father, George Bailey in Another Life" (45)
Marcia Aldrich, "Woman, Lying Down" (80)
Visual Art
Archan Nair: "The Golden Ratio" (Cover)
Maria Bychkova: "Untitled" (38), "Cinderella" (39), "The Shape Shifter (Mammalius Kinesis)" (40), "Elena the Beautiful: (41)
Mari Kasurinen: "My Little Batman and Robin" (52), "My Little Joker" (53), "My Little Storm Trooper" (54), "My Little Chewbacca and My Little Han Solo" (55)
Spring 2009
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2009 Nonfiction Contest Winner and Finalists
Jessica Daigle (Winner): "Inheritance" (11), "Person Filing" (12), "Bruise" (14)
Donna Steiner (Finalist): "Dragonflies, Perching" (28)
Leota McCown-Hoover (Finalist): "The Hunter" (52)
Meghan Cadwallader: "In the Beginning" (61)
2009 Poetry Contest Winner and Finalists
Robin Carstensen (Winner): "Immer Frue: Inscription on Childhood Photo, Giessen Germany, 1967" (9)
Elizabeth Gerber (Finalist): "Kirkwood & Tomatoes" (50)
Rikki Thompson Rogers (Finalist): "You give me flowers to say I love you" (49)
Rebecca Ellis: "Lagniappe" (22)
Ashley Nicole Montjoy: "The Crash" (23)
Roseann Lloyd: "One Spring Dream" (27)
y madrone: "Eve" (34)
Kara Olson: "Starting Point" (36)
Shara Lessley:"Self-Portrait as 18th Centure Automata" (55)
Sara Lier: "Moonfruit" (56)
Anna Claire Hodge: "Park and Fulton, NYC with Child" (58)
Erin Ruzicka Trondson: "Greener Grass" (68)
Caitlin Hill: "L’Estate" (15)
Emilia Pardo Bazan: "Laughter (Trans. Thomas Feeny)" (24)
Hannah Kornfeld: "Ace of Cups" (39)
Visual Art
Anne Smoral: "Ophelia" (Cover)
Cassie Swartwout: "Tree Faiths" (21), "Boa #2" (48)
Julie Fiasconaro: "Peacock" (33), "Wednesday Afternoon" (60)
Fall 2008
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Visual Art Contest judged by Janeil Engelstad
Winner: Andrewa Bergart- "2358"
Fiction Contest judged by Leslie Pietrzyk
Winner: Marylou Fusco- "Untold Stories in the Lives of Saints"
Spring 2008
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Poetry Contest judged by Marie Howe
Winner: Emily Carr - "yolk (v.)"
Nonfiction Contest judged by Sharon Mehdi
Winner: Kim van Alkemade - "Spinster Punk"
Featuring an Interview with Mark Doty
Fall 2007

Fiction Contest judged by Lucy Corin
Winner: Jennifer Sears - "Foragers"
Spring 2007

Poetry Contest judged by Claudia Emerson
Winners: Shelley Renee-Ruiz - "The Jailed Woman", Lauren Eggert-Crowe - "Citrus at Nine", Suellen Wedmore - "London"
Nonfiction Contest judged by Jennifer Lauck
Winner: Laurie Rachkus Uttich - "What the Daughter I Will Never Have Knows"
Note: So to Speak journal publications date from 1993. To purchase back issues, please contact the managing editor.