Welcome to So to Speak
So to Speak, founded in 1993 by an editorial collective of women MFA candidates at George Mason University, has served as a space for feminist writing and art for nearly twelve years. So to Speak publishes poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and visual art that lives up to a high standard of language, form, and meaning. We look for work that addresses issues of significance to women's lives and movements for women's equality and are especially interested in pieces that explore issues of race, class, and sexuality in relation to gender.
Events & Updates
Fiction Contest Judge Announced
Our Falll 2011 Short Fiction Contest Judge will be T. Greenberg. The deadline to enter is March 15, and you can enter through our Submission Manager.T. Greenwood is the author of six novels. She has received grants from the Sherwood Anderson Foundation, the Christopher Isherwood Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and, most recently, the Maryland State Arts Council. Two Rivers was named Best General Fiction Book at the San Diego Book Awards last year. Four of her novels have been BookSense76/IndieBound picks; This Glittering World is a January 2011 selection. She teaches creative writing at both UCSD's Extension Program and at The Ink Spot. She and her husband, Patrick, live in San Diego, CA with their two daughters. She is also an aspiring photographer. More information on T. Greenwood can be found at her website: http://www.tgreenwood.com and her blogs: http://www.mermama.blogspot.com and http://www.ephemerafiles.blogspot.com
So to Speak at AWP
Come visit us at this year's AWP in the Book Fair.
So to Speak Now Accepts Electronic Submissions
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting electronic submissions for all genres for regular submissions and contest entries. Please use our Submission Manager to submit and to track your submissions. We no longer accept paper submissions and do not accept emailed submissions.
We are currently OPEN for poetry and nonfiction submissions and entries for our Fall 2011 Short Fiction Contest.
So to Speak Sponsors the Fellows Reading at Fall for the Book
So to Speak is sponsoring the Fellows Reading at this year's Fall for the Book Festival. George Mason University’s 2010-2011 Fellows read from their diverse works. Readers, including Judy Adkins, Jennifer Daniels, Colin Grabarek, Nicole Lee, Aubrey Lenahan, and Alison Strub take the stage to share their remarkable pieces.
19 September 2010
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Location: theSPACE, Old Town Plaza, 3955 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA
Submissions Begin Again August 1
Poetry and Nonfiction Contests
Our next issue, Spring 2011, will feature our poetry and nonfiction contests. All poetry and nonfiction submissions submitted between August 1 and October 15 will be considered contest entrants. As such, they must be accompanied by a $15 reading fee payable to George Mason University to be read. Fiction submissions will be accepted as regular submissions. Please see Contests for more information.
All entrants will receive a free copy of our Spring 2011 issue.
Spring 2011 Poetry Contest Judge: Arielle Greenberg
Spring 2011 Nonfiction Contest Judge: Michael Sims
New Staff or 2011
We'd like to welcome our new staff members: Jen Daniels (Editor), Eleanor Smith Tipton (Poetry Editor), Lisa Hill-Corley (Fiction Editor), Warren Ciabattoni (Nonfiction Editor), Alysse Knorr (Assistant Poetry Editor), and Atossa Shafaie (Assistant Fiction Editor).We'd also like to welcome Suzanne DeSaix as our Art Editor, a new position for 2011.
Fall 2010 Issue Out
Our Fall 2010 Issue is out, which features our Fall 2010 Fiction Contest, judged by Maud Casey. A copy is $7 and can be ordered through our Subscription Form.We'd like to thank the following staff members who made this issue a success: Angela Panayotopulos (Editor-In-Chief), Alison Strub (Managing Editor), Megan Ronan (Poetry Editor), Judy Adkins (Nonfiction Editor), Norah Vawter (Fiction Editor), Jessica McCaughey (Assistant Nonfiction Editor), and Lisa HIll-Corley (Assistant Fiction Editor).
Submissions & Contests
New Submission Guidelines are posted. Please take a look at our new regular and contest submission guidelines on the submit and contests tabs. Those submitting under the new guidelines need to be aware that So to Speak will send back submissions that do not adhere to the new guidelines.Check out the covers and judges of So to Speak's last two issues and the cover of our Fall 2010 issue. If you're tempted to purchase past issues or subscribe, feel free to fill out the subscription form and mail us your payment.