2015-2016 University Catalog 
2015-2016 University Catalog


This section lists George Mason University’s undergraduate and graduate courses that are available for credit.

For more detailed information on courses, please go to the AP.2 Course Information  section.


Management Information Systems (MIS)

Offered by the School of Business .

If a student takes noncore, upper-level business courses before admission to the School of Business , those courses will not count on an undergraduate degree application for any major in the school, except as general elective credit. A grade of C or higher must be presented on the graduation application for each upper-level course in the major. Course prerequisites are strictly enforced. Degree status is defined as formal admission to BS degree status in School of Business .

   •  MIS 302 - Introduction to Programming for Business Applications
   •  MIS 303 - Introduction to Business Information Systems
   •  MIS 310 - Database Management Systems
   •  MIS 320 - Networks and Security
   •  MIS 330 - Systems Analysis and Design
   •  MIS 411 - Management and Control of Information Systems
   •  MIS 412 - E-Business Systems Development
   •  MIS 430 - Data Warehousing
   •  MIS 435 - Knowledge Management
   •  MIS 440 - E-Commerce Business Models and Applications
   •  MIS 462 - Honors Seminar in Management Information Systems
   •  MIS 491 - Seminar in Management Information Systems
   •  MIS 499 - Independent Study in Management Information Systems

Management of Secure Information Systems (MSEC)

   •  MSEC 510 - Foundations of Cyber Security
   •  MSEC 511 - Security Practices in the Enterprise
   •  MSEC 520 - Networking Principles
   •  MSEC 620 - Networking Security
   •  MSEC 630 - Secure Information System Governance, Regulation, and Compliance
   •  MSEC 640 - Privacy and Ethics in an Interconnected World
   •  MSEC 641 - Enterprise Security Threats
   •  MSEC 642 - Enterprise Security Technologies
   •  MSEC 650 - Seminar: Enterprise Security Case Studies
   •  MSEC 696 - Directed Studies Management of Secure Information Systems
   •  MSEC 697 - Special Topics in Management of Secure Information Systems
   •  MSEC 710 - Global Residency
   •  MSEC 720 - Capstone Project in Management of Secure Information Systems

Marketing (MKTG)

Offered by the School of Business .

If a student takes noncore, upper-level business courses before admission to the School of Business , those courses will not count on an undergraduate degree application for any major in the school, except as general elective credit. A grade of C or higher must be presented on the graduation application for each upper-level course in the major. Course prerequisites are strictly enforced. Degree status is defined as formal admission to BS degree status in School of Business .

   •  MKTG 301 - Principles of Marketing
   •  MKTG 303 - Principles of Marketing
   •  MKTG 311 - Sales Management
   •  MKTG 312 - Consumer Behavior
   •  MKTG 313 - Integrated Marketing Communications
   •  MKTG 315 - Internet Marketing
   •  MKTG 332 - Retailing and E-Commerce Management
   •  MKTG 333 - Business to Business Marketing
   •  MKTG 351 - Marketing Research Techniques and Applications
   •  MKTG 407 - International Marketing
   •  MKTG 451 - Competitive Intelligence and Information Security
   •  MKTG 455 - Ethnic and Multicultural Marketing
   •  MKTG 462 - Honors Seminar in Marketing
   •  MKTG 471 - Marketing Management
   •  MKTG 481 - RS: Marketing in the Nonprofit Sector
   •  MKTG 491 - Special Topics in Marketing
   •  MKTG 499 - Independent Study

Mason Core

Expand each course below for a link that directs to courses eligible to fulfill each Mason Core requirement.

   •  Mason Core UFA - Arts
   •  Mason Core UGU - Global Understanding
   •  Mason Core UITC - Information Technology
   •  Mason Core ULIT - Literature
   •  Mason Core UNSL - Natural Science
   •  Mason Core UOC - Oral Communication
   •  Mason Core UQR - Quantitative Reasoning
   •  Mason Core USBS - Social and Behavioral Sciences
   •  Mason Core USYN - Synthesis/Capstone
   •  Mason Core UWC - Western Civilization/Western History
   •  Mason Core UWCU - Written Communication

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

 Offered by the School of Business .

   •  MBA 603 - Managerial Economics and Decisions of the Firm
   •  MBA 612 - Managing Costs and Evaluating Performance
   •  MBA 613 - Financial Reporting and Decision Making
   •  MBA 623 - Marketing Management
   •  MBA 633 - Statistics for Business Decision Making
   •  MBA 638 - Operations Management
   •  MBA 643 - Managerial Finance
   •  MBA 653 - Organizational Behavior
   •  MBA 662 - Management of Information Technology
   •  MBA 673 - Legal Environment for Management
   •  MBA 674 - Ethical and Social Environment of Business in the 21st Century
   •  MBA 678 - Strategic Management
   •  MBA 701 - Business Analysis and Valuation
   •  MBA 702 - Corporate Financial Policy
   •  MBA 703 - Financial Markets
   •  MBA 704 - Risk Management and Financial Innovation
   •  MBA 705 - Venture Capital and Private Finance
   •  MBA 706 - Investment Analysis
   •  MBA 708 - Taxes and Business
   •  MBA 711 - Entrepreneurship
   •  MBA 712 - Project Management
   •  MBA 713 - Managing Human Capital
   •  MBA 714 - Managing Growth of Small Businesses
   •  MBA 715 - Advanced Project and Program Management
   •  MBA 716 - International Business Strategy
   •  MBA 717 - International Finance
   •  MBA 718 - International Marketing
   •  MBA 719 - Entrepreneurship Laboratory
   •  MBA 721 - Marketing Decision Systems
   •  MBA 722 - Consumer Behavior
   •  MBA 723 - Supply Chain Management
   •  MBA 724 - Marketing Communications
   •  MBA 725 - Leadership
   •  MBA 726 - Negotiations
   •  MBA 730 - Management of Technology and Innovation Processes
   •  MBA 731 - Business Application and Life Cycle Management
   •  MBA 732 - Knowledge Management
   •  MBA 733 - Business Data Communications
   •  MBA 734 - Electronic Commerce and E-Business
   •  MBA 735 - Systems Thinking for Business Performance
   •  MBA 737 - Information Technology Governance and Policy
   •  MBA 738 - Business Intelligence and Data Mining
   •  MBA 741 - Information Technology Auditing
   •  MBA 742 - Corporate Governance and Ethics
   •  MBA 743 - Corporate Financial Reporting
   •  MBA 744 - Fraud Examination

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