GMU Pre-Dental Society Constitution
Article 1 - Name of Organization
The name of the organization shall be the Pre-Dental Society (PDS). This name will be upheld unless there is a member majority vote for a name change.
Article 2 - Mission Statement
The mission of the Pre-Dental Society is to prepare interested George Mason University students for a career in dentistry. While continuously promoting fellowship between students, we strive to inform them on various aspects of the application process, opportunities in the field of dentistry, and services to the community.
Article 3 - Membership
Section 1:
Membership to the Pre-Dental Society is open to all George Mason University students. Membership will not be judged based on sex, race, religion, nation of origin, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
Section 2:
All members must pay a yearly due of $10. This due will be collected upon the members first attended meeting. The yearly due will help cover costs which included but are not limited to: food/snacks for meetings, gifts for visitor, materials for upkeep of boards, and may help in any field trips taken by members of the society.
Section 3:
All members have the right to vote for officer elections. All members also have the right to vote on any policies and may initiate programs and make recommendations.
Section 4:
Membership may be revoked if member fails to meet criteria as established by the constitution. Revoked membership may be done by an officer vote.
Article 4 - Officers and Faculty Advisors
Section 1:
Officers include:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Historian
- Webmaster
- Public Relation
Section 2:
An officer position may be added as seen fit by the President or the faculty health advisor.
Section 3:
The duties of the President include but are not limited to:
Entrust responsibilities to all officers and ensure all jobs are performed in a timely manner. The President will also communicate with the faculty health advisor regarding upcoming meetings and admissions visits. The President will oversee all other officers, and make sure all are fulfilling duties. The President will also make sure any funds are distributed properly and in accordance with University policies; and organize officer election in May.
The duties of the Vice President include but are not limited to:
- Find and hold rooms for meetings.
- Buy gifts for any visiting persons.
- Help the President and any other officers with duties as need be.
- Buy any materials needed for tasks such as club boards.
The duties of the Treasurer include but are not limited to:
- Collect yearly membership dues from all returning and new members.
- Develop a budget plan as a guideline for the society.
- Oversee any money spent by the club.
- Reimburse any money spent by other members for any materials, supplies, or food.
The duties of the Secretary include but are not limited to:
- Maintain records of meetings. This includes information given during the meeting and the time of the meeting.
- Bring sign-in sheets to all the meetings and keep track of who attended.
- Help the Vice President reserve rooms for meetings.
- Maintain the PDS board in David King Hall.
The duties of the Historian include but are not limited to:
- Maintain records of meetings. This includes information given during the meeting and the time of the meeting.
- Maintain the PDS board in David King Hall.
- Help bring food/materials to meetings.
- Collect past information of officers and meetings and parlay that information to new officers.
The duties of the Webmaster include but are not limited to:
- Maintaining the Pre-Dental Society Website and update it regularly.
- Maintain and update the PDS Facebook account.
The duties of the Public Relation specialist include but are not limited to:
- Public relations specialist communicate with other organizations on behalf of Pre-Dental Society and its students.
- Engage in promoting or creating good will for individuals, groups, or organizations by writing or selecting favorable publicity material and releasing it through various communications media.
- May prepare and arrange displays, and make speeches.
Section 4:
The primary advisor shall be the health advisor at George Mason University. In the effect of no health advisor, the primary advisor shall be a member of the faculty of staff of George Mason University. The primary advisor will offer guidance and help recruit visitors for the club. The primary advisor does not hold a vote in any club activities.
Article 5 - Elections
Section 1: Officer Positions
Elections will be held for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Historian, and Webmaster. Any officer position may also be held by two members, in which case there will be co-officers. There are no term limits for officer positions.
Section 2: Terms and Conditions for Candidates
Officer candidates for the President position must attend at least half of the meetings from the prior year. Officer candidates for all other positions must have attended at least two meetings from the prior year. Officers may be removed from their position shall they fail to meet the criteria established above. They may be removed by an officer majority vote during a special officer meeting. Each officer will also serve for one full academic year.
Section 3: Voting Rights
Members whom hold a vote are the members who have paid their dues for the year, and have attended at least one meeting throughout the year.
Section 4: Notification of Elections
Elections will be held every April, and the results will be released in May. Each person running for a position must announce their intentions within one week of notification of elections by the President. This notification will be announced two weeks before actual election will take place. Each nominee for an officer position must prepare a short presentation in which members can review for a vote.
Section 5: Election Procedures
Elections will take place through an online voting system, or by email. The voting will remain confidential and will be overseen by the President and one other officer. In case of a tie, the President will cast his or her vote to break the tie. A candidate may be disqualified by a majority vote of the officers whom held the positions from the prior year.
Section 6: Transition
The new officers will have an officers meeting with the prior officers to discuss duties and hand over any materials or information from the prior year.
Article 6 - Meetings
Meetings shall be held at least 3 times per semester.
All officers should attend the meetings unless unable to do so, due to class confliction or outside problems.
The President will attend and chair all meetings.
Members must attend at least one meeting to be eligible to vote during elections.
The meeting dates will be determined by when most members and officers will be able to attend the meeting. In case of a conflict with the visitor to the club, the meeting will be held when they are able to attend.
Special officers meeting or special general meetings may be called by the President of the Vice President. Temporary committees may be elected by student members, appointed by the President, to organize special events. The purpose of the committee shall not exceed those of the President.
Article 7 - Finance
The annual fee will be $10 for all members. This fee may be changed on the basis of recommendation from the Treasurer.
Article 8 - Amendments
Recommendations for amendments to the constitution may be given by any of the officers. In such a case, all members of the society will be notified and a majority vote will take place. Each amendment to the constitution must receive the majority vote to be passed and put into effect.
Article 9 - Ratification
The constitution shall become effective upon approval by a half vote of the membership, and the Assistance Director for Student Organizations. The constitution would only be ratified, with the officers holding a meeting and voting on changing the articles.