2009-2010 University Catalog 
2009-2010 University Catalog


Reading Course Descriptions 


   •  NURS 646 - Gerontological Nursing 2
   •  NURS 654 - Nursing Administration Financial Management
   •  NURS 660 - Seminar in the Ethics of Health Care
   •  NURS 662 - Oncology Nursing: Clinical Concepts in Advanced Practice
   •  NURS 680 - Theoretical Foundations Related to Nursing
   •  NURS 685 - Advanced Nursing Research Methods
   •  NURS 686 - Projects in Nursing Research
   •  NURS 688 - Organization of Nursing and Health Care Delivery Systems
   •  NURS 690 - Independent Study in Nursing
   •  NURS 704 - Nursing Administrative Leadership Academy
   •  NURS 719 - Advanced Health Assessment
   •  NURS 720 - Practicum in Family Primary Care Nursing I
   •  NURS 721 - Practicum in Assessment and Management of the Developing Family
   •  NURS 722 - Practicum in Family Primary Care Nursing II
   •  NURS 723 - Clinical Decision Making
   •  NURS 725 - Hermeneutic Research Methodologies in Health Care
   •  NURS 726 - Perspectives in Nursing Education
   •  NURS 727 - Application of Nursing Education Principles to Curriculum and Program Development
   •  NURS 728 - Practicum and Seminar in Nursing Education I
   •  NURS 729 - Practicum and Seminar in Nursing Education II
   •  NURS 730 - Leadership Strategies for the Clinical Nurse Leader
   •  NURS 731 - Clinical Nurse Leader Role Integration
   •  NURS 732 - Clinical Nurse Leader Practicum
   •  NURS 733 - Introduction to Forensic Science
   •  NURS 734 - Role of the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner and Interpersonal Violence
   •  NURS 735 - Crime Lab and Crime Scene Investigation
   •  NURS 736 - Psychological and Legal Aspects of Forensic Science
   •  NURS 737 - Investigation of Injury and Death
   •  NURS 740 - Clinical Nurse Specialist Internship
   •  NURS 745 - Pharmacology
   •  NURS 746 - Practicum in Adult Primary Care Nursing
   •  NURS 747 - Pharmacology in Disease and Pathophysiology
   •  NURS 748 - Practicum in Adult Primary Care Nursing II
   •  NURS 751 - Primary Care of the Developing Family
   •  NURS 752 - Advanced Family Primary Care
   •  NURS 753 - Diagnosis and Management of the Developing Family
   •  NURS 754 - Advanced Adult Primary Care
   •  NURS 756 - Advanced Pathology and Pathophysiology
   •  NURS 762 - Managed Care Concepts for Primary Care Practice
   •  NURS 763 - Administrative Theory in Nursing
   •  NURS 765 - Practicum in Nursing Administration I
   •  NURS 766 - Administrative Strategies in Nursing
   •  NURS 768 - Practicum in Nursing Administration II
   •  NURS 773 - Advanced Clinical Nursing I
   •  NURS 775 - Advanced Specialty Practice I
   •  NURS 776 - Advanced Clinical Nursing II
   •  NURS 778 - Advanced Specialty Practice II
   •  NURS 780 - Practicum in Gerontological Nursing I
   •  NURS 781 - Practicum in Gerontological Nursing II
   •  NURS 804 - Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis for Health Care Research I
   •  NURS 805 - Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis for Health Care Research II
   •  NURS 806 - Advanced Multivariate Statistics and Data Analysis for Health Care Research
   •  NURS 807 - Measurement Theories and Applications in Health Care Research
   •  NURS 808 - Translating Nursing and Health Care Research into Evidence-Based Policy
   •  NURS 809 - Research Design and Methods in Nursing and Health Care
   •  NURS 810 - Evaluation Research in Nursing Education
   •  NURS 811 - Nurse as Educator and Scholar
   •  NURS 820 - Human Genetics Concepts for Health Care
   •  NURS 855 - Ethics in Health Administration
   •  NURS 870 - Nursing and Health Care Administration I
   •  NURS 871 - Nursing and Health Care Administration II
   •  NURS 874 - Internship in Health Care Administration/Policy/Education
   •  NURS 875 - Research Internship
   •  NURS 880 - Informatics Inquiry for the Doctor of Nursing Practice
   •  NURS 881 - Issues and Methodologies in Translational Research
   •  NURS 882 - Theoretical Foundations Related to Human Health Behaviors
   •  NURS 920 - Qualitative Research in Nursing and Health Care
   •  NURS 925 - Methodological Issues in Nursing and Health Care Qualitative Research
   •  NURS 930 - Quantitative Methods in Nursing and Health Care
   •  NURS 940 - Independent Study for the Doctoral Student
   •  NURS 950 - Special Topics in Nursing
   •  NURS 955 - Philosophical Bases of Inquiry
   •  NURS 980 - Practice Inquiry I
   •  NURS 981 - Practice Inquiry II
   •  NURS 998 - Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
   •  NURS 999 - Doctoral Dissertation
   •  OM 210 - Statistical Analysis for Management
   •  OM 301 - Operations Management
   •  OM 320 - Supply Chain Management and E-Business
   •  OM 352 - Methods and Models of Management Science
   •  OM 435 - Business Process Analysis and Simulation
   •  OM 452 - Business Forecasting
   •  OM 456 - Quality Management
   •  OM 462 - Honors Seminar in Operations Management
   •  OM 493 - Management of Technology Projects
   •  OM 499 - Independent Study in Operations Management
   •  OR 335 - Discrete Systems Simulation Modeling
   •  OR 441 - Deterministic Operations Research
   •  OR 442 - Stochastic Operations Research
   •  OR 481 - Numerical Methods in Engineering
   •  OR 498 - Independent Study in Operations Research
   •  OR 499 - Special Topics in Operations Research
   •  OR 540 - Management Science
   •  OR 541 - Operations Research: Deterministic Models
   •  OR 542 - Operations Research: Stochastic Models
   •  OR 574 - Quality Control and Process Management
   •  OR 576 - Manufacturing Systems Analysis
   •  OR 635 - Discrete System Simulation
   •  OR 640 - Global Optimization and Computational Intelligence
   •  OR 641 - Linear Programming

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