2009-2010 University Catalog 
2009-2010 University Catalog


Reading Course Descriptions 


   •  PHYS 246 - College Physics Lab
   •  PHYS 251 - Introduction to Computer Techniques in Physics
   •  PHYS 260 - University Physics II
   •  PHYS 261 - University Physics II Laboratory
   •  PHYS 262 - University Physics III
   •  PHYS 263 - University Physics III Laboratory
   •  PHYS 265 - Advanced University Physics II Laboratory
   •  PHYS 266 - Introduction to Thermodynamics
   •  PHYS 303 - Classical Mechanics
   •  PHYS 305 - Electromagnetic Theory
   •  PHYS 306 - Wave Motion and Electromagnetic Radiation
   •  PHYS 307 - Thermal Physics
   •  PHYS 308 - Modern Physics with Applications
   •  PHYS 310 - Physics of Semiconductor Materials and Processing
   •  PHYS 326 - Problems in Physics II
   •  PHYS 328 - Introduction to Astrophysics
   •  PHYS 331 - Physics of Renewable Energy
   •  PHYS 370 - Molecular Biophysics
   •  PHYS 385 - Materials Science with Applications to Renewable Energy
   •  PHYS 390 - Topics in Physics
   •  PHYS 402 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics
   •  PHYS 405 - Honors Thesis in Physics
   •  PHYS 406 - Honors Thesis in Physics
   •  PHYS 407 - Senior Laboratory in Modern Physics
   •  PHYS 408 - Senior Research
   •  PHYS 409 - Physics Internship
   •  PHYS 410 - Computational Physics I
   •  PHYS 412 - Solid State Physics and Applications
   •  PHYS 416 - Special Topics in Modern Physics
   •  PHYS 417 - Geophysics
   •  PHYS 428 - Relativity and Cosmology
   •  PHYS 440 - Nuclear and Particle Physics
   •  PHYS 475 - Atmospheric Physics
   •  PHYS 502 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics
   •  PHYS 510 - Computational Physics I
   •  PHYS 512 - Solid State Physics and Applications
   •  PHYS 513 - Applied Electromagnetic Theory
   •  PHYS 533 - Modern Instrumentation
   •  PHYS 540 - Nuclear and Particle Physics
   •  PHYS 575 - Atmospheric Physics I
   •  PHYS 590 - Selected Topics in Physics
   •  PHYS 600 - Special Topics in Physics
   •  PHYS 611 - Electro-optics
   •  PHYS 612 - Physics of Modern Imaging
   •  PHYS 613 - Computational Physics II
   •  PHYS 614 - Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials
   •  PHYS 615 - Fundamentals of Materials Science
   •  PHYS 620 - Continuum Mechanics
   •  PHYS 630 - Introduction to Biophysics
   •  PHYS 660 - Space Weather
   •  PHYS 676 - Atmospheric Physics
   •  PHYS 684 - Quantum Mechanics I
   •  PHYS 685 - Classical Electrodynamics I
   •  PHYS 701 - Theoretical Physics
   •  PHYS 703 - Seminar in Physics
   •  PHYS 705 - Classical Mechanics
   •  PHYS 711 - Statistical Mechanics
   •  PHYS 760 - Space Plasma Physics
   •  PHYS 780 - Advanced Selected Topics in Physics
   •  PHYS 784 - Quantum Mechanics II
   •  PHYS 785 - Classical Electrodynamics II
   •  PHYS 796 - Directed Reading and Research
   •  PHYS 798 - Research Project
   •  PHYS 799 - Master's Thesis
   •  PHYS 998 - Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
   •  PHYS 999 - Doctoral Dissertation
   •  PRLS 110 - Exploring Outdoor Adventure
   •  PRLS 115 - Introduction to Fly Fishing
   •  PRLS 116 - Introduction to Indoor Rock Climbing
   •  PRLS 117 - Rock Climbing
   •  PRLS 118 - Intermediate Rock Climbing
   •  PRLS 119 - Trap and Skeet Shooting
   •  PRLS 120 - Introduction to Backpacking
   •  PRLS 121 - Intermediate Trap and Skeet Shooting
   •  PRLS 122 - Introduction to Horsemanship
   •  PRLS 123 - Intermediate Rock Climbing
   •  PRLS 170 - Introduction to White-water Kayaking
   •  PRLS 173 - Basic Coastal Kayaking
   •  PRLS 174 - Open Water Coastal Kayaking
   •  PRLS 175 - Introduction to Rowing
   •  PRLS 180 - White-water Canoeing
   •  PRLS 181 - White-water Canoeing II
   •  PRLS 190 - Downhill and Cross-Country Skiing
   •  PRLS 191 - Snowboarding
   •  PRLS 195 - Introduction to Hot Air Ballooning
   •  PRLS 210 - Introduction to Recreation and Leisure
   •  PRLS 214 - Field Study in Natural History
   •  PRLS 220 - Experiential Education Theory and Application
   •  PRLS 221 - Challenge Course Facilitator Field Work
   •  PRLS 241 - Practicum
   •  PRLS 250 - Wilderness Travel and Sustainability
   •  PRLS 253 - Florida Everglades Canoe Expedition
   •  PRLS 300 - People with Nature
   •  PRLS 302 - Park Management and Operations
   •  PRLS 310 - Program Planning and Design
   •  PRLS 316 - Outdoor Education and Leadership
   •  PRLS 317 - Social Psychology of Play and Recreation
   •  PRLS 327 - Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation
   •  PRLS 360 - Bill of Rights Issues in Parks, Schools, and Public Places
   •  PRLS 402 - Human Behavior in Natural Environments

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