The Northern Virginia (NOVA) Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) has a long standing tradition of supporting the advancement of excellence in technology, professionalism, and education as they relate to the vital areas of command, control, communications, computers, intelligence (C4I), electronics and information systems.
The name of the student organization sponsored by NOVA-AFCEA on the Campus of George Mason University shall be the George Mason University Sub Chapter of NOVA-AFCEA.
The objectives of the George Mason University Sub Chapter of NOVA-AFCEA will be:
Section 1: Membership in the George Mason University Sub Chapter of NOVA-AFCEA will be open to all persons involved in and related to the academic community of Northern Virginia.
Section 2: Membership will be extended to any person expressing a desire to affiliate with the organization, regardless of race, age, education, sex, or field of study.
Section 1: Regular Meeting
The George Mason University Sub Chapter of NOVA-AFCEA shall meet on a date determined by a 2/3's majority vote of the student officers. The George Mason University Sub Chapter can agree to schedule a regular meeting in conjunction with other AFCEA functions if agreed to by a 2/3's majority.
Section 2: Special Meetings
Special meetings of the organization may be called by the President, any three chapter officers, chapter members, or NOVA-AFCEA Board of Directors.
Section 1: Composition
The Leadership Team shall be composed of the NOVA-AFCEA Officers and all student officers.
Section 2: Nomination and Election of Officers
A Nominating Committee will be responsible for the presentation of candidates for the needed offices. This Committee can consist of a faculty advisor, and will consist of the chapter president, chapter vice president, secretary and treasurer. The officers shall be elected by a majority of members present during a regular called meeting. This meeting will be announced and promoted at all meetings and functions for a period of three weeks before the election.
Section 3: Tenure and Vacancies
Officers will serve for a term of one year from April of the regular academic year to April of the following year. In the event of the vacancy of any office the Chapter will appoint a person or persons to fill the unexpired term.
Section 4: Duties of Officers
President: Responsible for the overall operation and management of the student chapter. Heads meetings and events sponsored by the chapter. The president should always be present at meetings if possible and at any public meetings. The president ensures business of the chapter is conducted in accordance with this constitution and the chapter bylaws. Serves on the nominating committee.
Vice-President: Carries out the duties of the president in his or her absence. Primarily responsible for developing the student chapter membership base, advertising upcoming events and meetings of the chapter, chapter communications, and publicity.
Secretary: Takes notes at chapter events & meetings. Assists with chapter publicity and communications. Responsible for keeping and updating membership database which includes mailing addresses and contact information.
Treasurer: Accountable for all chapter funds and budgets. Keep record of all accounts and deposits of the funds. Have authority to collect dues if necessary. Explores methods to expand funding support. Submits requests for funds, materials, and other resources through a proposed budget to the NOVA AFCEA branch, in accordance with NOVA-AFCEA bylaws, and to the leadership team and general membership of the status of funds for the first meeting in May and the first meeting in November.
Undergraduate Mentor Advisor: This student is responsible for the coordination of undergraduate mentoring activities.
Graduate Mentor Advisor: This student is responsible for the coordination of graduate mentoring activities.
Committees will be formed as needed. Members will be selected by each student officer in consultation with the President and NOVA-AFCEA.
The money for proper function of the George Mason University Sub Chapter will be provided for by NOVA-AFCEA and George Mason University if possible. Student Chapter funding can also be provided from Sub Chapter dues and fund raising activities if these activities will not negatively affect the ability to maintain Student Chapter membership.
Section 1: Occurrence
Business may be transacted during any scheduled or duly called meeting of the George Mason University Sub Chapter of NOVA-AFCEA.
Section 2: Rules of Order
Any procedure not covered by this constitution shall be covered by the most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
This constitution may be altered or amended by a 2/3's majority of the Student Chapter, and the NOVA-AFCEA Board of Directors, at any regularly called meeting of the Student Chapter organization. The petition for amendment must be announced and published at all meetings and functions of 2 weeks prior to the voting meeting.