Phi Kappa Theta strives to assist in the formation of men. The Fraternal ideal hopes to provide the tangible and intangible aids necessary to establish a closely knit collegiate community whose members enjoy a mode of living that is conducive to the formation of gentlemen imbued with Christian principles and ideals as preparation for living in the world community upon graduation.
The pursuit of education means a love of learning, the acquisition of skills for one's future and the search for truth, knowledge and freedom. These can be found formally at universities or colleges, and informally in Phi Kappa Theta. This Fraternity, as a laboratory of human experiences, strives to complement its members' formal education with opportunities to instill a love of learning and achievement of high scholastic standards.
Phi Kappa Theta was founded on religious beliefs and is the foundation of our principles, value system and ideals. To deepen the spiritual and enrich the temporal lives of Phi Kappa Theta members through a well-balanced program of fraternal, spiritual, intellectual, social and service activities.
God created man as a social creature, therefore, a well-adjusted social life is essential to our society. People must learn to develop social skills to live in harmony and in peace with one another. Phi Kappa Theta strives to meet these goals as well as provide a moderate, well-directed social programs for the development of gentlemen in those social graces of good manners, concern for others, unselfishness and an ease in communicating with one another.
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui.
Phi Kappa Theta seeks to provide its members varied personal experiences including learning to live cooperatively; respecting the opinion and rights of everyone; the acceptance of each other's uniqueness; the value of discipline; loyalty to others and to the organization; an understanding of unity which allows individualism while being part of a group; the acceptance of a fair share of group obligation by assuming individual responsibility; and an understanding of leadership dynamics. Fraternal, Intellectual, Social and Spiritual: these are the ideals of Phi Kap members. If you share these ideals and are looking for an opportunity to develop them, then PKT may be the place for you.