We all live in an information-driven society, with an increasing demand for instant news, social updates, communications, sports scores, etc.
ISM is an organization for students who want to explore this technological revolution. We seek to go beyond the classroom and into the real world, and to explore the core technologies, concepts, and social implications of living and working in an information- and technology-driven society.
Our past and future activities and opportunities include connections to employers, presentations from industry leaders, training and/or certification classes, technical conferences, demos of emerging technologies, and opportunities to meet fellow students with similar interests through game nights, movie nights, and other networking events.
Connect for all the latest updates:ISM membership is free and open to student of any major currently enrolled at George Mason University. We are sponsored by the Applied Information Technology department of the Volgenau School of Engineering.
The Information Society Movement serves to foster an atmosphere of intellectual inquiry by pioneering collaboration among academic institutions, business, government and the community at large. It actively seeks to highlight or create opportunities for self-empowerment and the advancement of knowledge, primarily through forming specific interest groups to explore emerging technologies and the crucial role that technology will forever play in society. ISM seeks to be the bridge between abstract classroom theory and the hands-on, real-world applications and experiences needed to solidify a comprehensive education. A principal tenet, we believe this to be the ultimate method to ensure that students are properly prepared for post-college demands and expectations. ISM is open to all those seeking to integrate themselves into the information society of the modern era.