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George Mason University
    George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog 
2016-2017 University Catalog

Students as Scholars

Return to: General Information  

OSCAR, Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, & Research
246 Johnson Center
Phone: 703-993-3794


Bethany M. Usher, Director

Students as Scholars, through the Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research (OSCAR), is Mason’s award-winning undergraduate research and creative activities initiative. We connect undergraduate students and faculty through both course-based and independent scholarly projects.

OSCAR offers several programs that make scholarship central to the undergraduate experience at Mason, by:

  • Helping undergraduates students find faculty mentors
  • Funding undergraduate research and creative projects through the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program 
  • Providing funding for travel to conferences through the Undergraduate Student Travel Fund
  • Supporting Research and Scholarship Intensive Courses  
  • Coordinating curriculum redesign through Scholarship Development Grants
  • Hosting the annual Celebration of Student Scholarship
  • Offering OSCAR Federal Work Study Research Assistantships

Please visit for more information.