2009-2010 University Catalog 
2009-2010 University Catalog


Reading Course Descriptions 


   •  HIST 328 - Rise of Russia
   •  HIST 329 - Modern Russia and the Soviet Union
   •  HIST 330 - The United States Since World War II
   •  HIST 331 - Postwar United States, 1945-1973
   •  HIST 332 - United States since 1976
   •  HIST 335 - The African American Experience in the United States: African Background to 1885
   •  HIST 336 - The African American Experience in the United States: Reconstruction to the Present
   •  HIST 337 - The Vietnam War
   •  HIST 340 - History of American Racial Thought
   •  HIST 345 - History of American Foreign Relations
   •  HIST 350 - U.S. Women's History
   •  HIST 351 - History of the Old South
   •  HIST 352 - The South since 1865
   •  HIST 353 - History of Traditional China
   •  HIST 354 - Modern China
   •  HIST 355 - Women and Family in Chinese History
   •  HIST 356 - Modern Japan
   •  HIST 357 - Postwar Japan
   •  HIST 358 - Post-1949 China
   •  HIST 364 - Revolution and Radical Politics in Latin America
   •  HIST 365 - Conquest and Colonization in Latin America
   •  HIST 366 - Comparative Slavery
   •  HIST 367 - History, Fiction, and Film in Latin America
   •  HIST 370 - War and American Society
   •  HIST 373 - The Civil War and Reconstruction
   •  HIST 377 - The Vietnam War
   •  HIST 386 - Topics in History
   •  HIST 387 - Topics in Global History
   •  HIST 388 - Topics in European History
   •  HIST 389 - Topics in U.S. History
   •  HIST 390 - The Digital Past
   •  HIST 391 - History of Virginia to 1800
   •  HIST 392 - History of Virginia Since 1800
   •  HIST 393 - Topics in Film and History
   •  HIST 398 - Historical Study Abroad
   •  HIST 399 - Internship
   •  HIST 401 - Colonial America
   •  HIST 403 - Revolutionary Era in American History, 1763-1812
   •  HIST 404 - Jacksonian America, 1812-1854
   •  HIST 409 - Between the Wars: The United States, 1919-1941
   •  HIST 416 - U.S. Urban History
   •  HIST 417 - History of Metropolitan Washington
   •  HIST 418 - Ethnic Groups in America
   •  HIST 426 - The Russian Revolution
   •  HIST 431 - Medieval Intellectual Topics
   •  HIST 435 - Society and Culture in Early Modern Europe
   •  HIST 436 - European Society and Culture: 19th and 20th Centuries
   •  HIST 455 - History of Print Journalism
   •  HIST 459 - Pre-Modern South Asia
   •  HIST 460 - Modern Iran
   •  HIST 461 - Arab-Israeli Conflict
   •  HIST 462 - Women in Islamic Society
   •  HIST 465 - The Middle East in the 20th Century
   •  HIST 466 - Origins of Conflict in Southern Africa
   •  HIST 480 - Alexander the Great
   •  HIST 490 - Honors Directed Readings, Honors Directed Research
   •  HIST 491 - Honors Directed Readings, Honors Directed Research
   •  HIST 498 - Directed Readings/Research in History
   •  HIST 499 - Senior Seminar in History
   •  HIST 510 - Approaches to Modern World History
   •  HIST 523 - Issues in American History
   •  HIST 524 - Issues in European History
   •  HIST 525 - Problems in Latin American History
   •  HIST 535 - Problems in Comparative World History
   •  HIST 555 - Problems in Asian History
   •  HIST 565 - Problems in African History
   •  HIST 585 - Problems in Middle Eastern History
   •  HIST 598 - Historical Study Abroad
   •  HIST 601 - Themes in U.S. History I
   •  HIST 602 - Themes in U.S. History II
   •  HIST 605 - Themes in European History I
   •  HIST 606 - Themes in European History II
   •  HIST 610 - The Study and Writing of History
   •  HIST 613 - The Colonial Origins of American Society
   •  HIST 615 - Problems in American History
   •  HIST 616 - U.S. Westward Movement
   •  HIST 617 - Topics in the American Civil War Era
   •  HIST 618 - The Age of Jackson, 1815-1854
   •  HIST 619 - The Constitution, Civil Liberties, and the Supreme Court
   •  HIST 620 - Development of the Early Republic, 1783-1815
   •  HIST 621 - Virginia and the American Revolution
   •  HIST 622 - American Minds
   •  HIST 623 - Recent U.S. History, 1945 to Present
   •  HIST 624 - U.S. Diplomatic History
   •  HIST 626 - Approaches to American Culture
   •  HIST 627 - Urban Development of the United States
   •  HIST 628 - Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States
   •  HIST 629 - The Gilded Age and Progressive Era
   •  HIST 630 - U.S. Women's History
   •  HIST 631 - Era of the American Revolution
   •  HIST 633 - Reconstruction
   •  HIST 634 - Interwar America: 1918-1939
   •  HIST 635 - Problems in European History
   •  HIST 636 - Political Culture in Twentieth-Century Germany and Austria: Continuities and Discontinuities
   •  HIST 637 - Great Britain: Empire to Commonwealth, 1870-1970
   •  HIST 638 - Western Europe in the Post-War Period
   •  HIST 639 - Society and Politics in Western Europe, 1750-1914
   •  HIST 640 - Metropolitan Cities of Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
   •  HIST 642 - Humanism and the Renaissance
   •  HIST 643 - Religion and Society in the Reformation Era

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