2009-2010 University Catalog 
2009-2010 University Catalog

EVPP 355 - Ecological Engineering and Ecosystem Restoration

Credits: 4
Cross-Listed with BIOL 355

Provides definition, classification, and practice of ecological engineering and ecosystem restoration. Describes general system ecology, ecosystem restoration (i.e., wetland and river systems ), and the use of natural processes to provide ecosystem services to society. Provides students with a systems-oriented perspective on designing and managing ecosystems. Students will study principles in designing field ecological studies, ecological models, ecological engineering, and explore practices in sustainable ecological design by carrying out a hands-on experimental design project with the field wetland mesocosm on the Mason campus. One field trip is required part of the course.

CHEM 211, BIOL 307, PHYS 243 and/or permission of instructor

Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week
Hours of Lab or Studio per week