2009-2010 University Catalog 
2009-2010 University Catalog

MBA 752 - Turning Ideas into Successful Companies

Credits: 3
An advanced course in entrepreneurship focused on discovery and development of an achievable business concept. The centerpiece of the course is development of the formal business plan and associated presentation materials. Students are assigned to teams and must hypothesize a new business, research and test their hypothesis, and develop a comprehensive written business plan. The plan must be for an actual business that the students intend to start upon the successful completion of the course. Technology-based projects are encouraged, but not required. Because the course is cross-listed with IT&E and SOM, most teams will include both engineering and business students. Weekly presentations of the team’s progress are required.

Completion of MBA core requirements and MBA 711 (for MBA students), or permission of the instructor.

Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week
When Offered